
Secret To Making Your Business More Efficient


As the workplace dynamics around the globe transforms to adapt to technologies, the global economy, and now the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses are faced with the challenge of adapting to these evolutions without breaking the bank and sacrificing productivity and quality.

Business owners are more pressured to effectively run operations while juggling other things, splitting time and energy to make ends meet. This results in the increased demands in hiring an assistant. The decision, however, lies on whether to get the support of a traditional employee or hire a virtual assistant.

Workplace setup is changing

When the pandemic hit, large companies handled the situation by switching to a work-from-home setup and adapted virtual work policies for the safety of their employees. As the benefits of having virtual offices and teams have been explored, many companies considered embracing the remote workforce in some aspect of their operations for good.

Telecommunicating saw a gradual increase from 2005 to 2012 by 80%. Ever since telecommunication or work from home, or outsourcing, gained a lot of traction to the benefits it offers both to the employee and the employer.

Another survey revealed that 64% of employees working in international companies were involved in virtual teams and 52% of those teams were outsourced outside the companies’ offices.

Yet another survey tells us that 73% of employees in virtual teams think that the benefits of working from home or in a virtual setup outweigh the challenges of working in one.

What are these figures telling us? First, employees are happier working from home. Second, companies, even the Fortune 500 ones, see the benefits of having a virtual workforce.

Ways virtual assistants make organizations more efficient

In order to help regular employees complete a more specific-related task as remote work became the normal work setup, organizations hire virtual assistants (VAs). Why VAs? Virtual assistants are more affordable, adept to flexible work arrangements, possess industry-specific skills, and a good addition to increase diversity and inclusion in a team.

For new and small business owners, getting a virtual workforce may seem a lot. But they are highly in demand now for numerous reasons, but all of it works for you and your business’s advantage.

Let us see how virtual assistants make organizations or businesses more efficient.

More resources are saved

Hiring a virtual workforce or a virtual assistant is always about saving financial resources. One study revealed that compared to a full-time employee, a full-time VA can save your company as much as 78% in operating costs.

But if you are in doubt about how qualified a virtual assistant is compared to a traditional employee, almost 60% of virtual assistants around the globe are college graduates and Filipino virtual assistants are among the most proficient in the English language ranking 14th globally in EF English Proficiency Index.

In addition to how virtual assistants as more practical choice over hiring a regular employee, VA’s flexible work arrangement saves you money. You only pay only the time they work, or it can be output based, or per contract.

In addition, you save on office space, electricity, and equipment cost.

Takes care of the mundane but time consuming tasks

Have you heard of delegation? As a business owner, prioritizing tasks should be in your repertoire of skills. There are repetitive mundane tasks but equally important in keeping your business running everyday should be assigned to a virtual assistant. As for you, you have your own time set apart for connecting with clients, increase revenue, and strategizing your business growth.

One important note here is to effectively delegate, you have to trust your virtual assistant. Let them deal with these tasks and you will avoid obstructions, perform more valuable functions, and make the most of your time.

People in a meeting

Do what your best at and outsource your weakness

Would you rather spend time accomplishing something you know you struggle at and save a few bucks? Would you prefer to spend time figuring out the best way to complete a task?

You might have heard this statement many times. This was the advice given by business consultant Peter Drucker. Business owners often wear too many hats to cut costs or simply because of the “I am a small business” mentality.

The truth however, there are just some things you are NOT good at and better done by someone good at it. You need help, and the fact is you can not do ALL things all at once on your own.

Hiring a virtual assistant to cover functions you know you fall short of gives your business a better chance of growing faster. You get to focus on planning and execution instead of time spent in second guessing and trial and errors.

The value of VALUE Virtual Assistants

Several myths and conceptions are surrounding virtual assistants but the numbers mentioned above proved that those remain as misconceptions. As a business owner, it is time to step up and get out of your comfort zone.

There is no need to take a risk when hiring a virtual assistant. All you have to do is contact us – VALUE Virtual Assistants and we will outsource your struggles to a virtual assistant who can competently handle your weakness or even perform better than you expected.

Avoid scams and receive the assurance that you are working with someone trusted, reliable, qualified, and experienced with VALUE Virtual Assistants.

Here are some of the things VALUE Virtual Assistants can help you with:

  • accounting
  • bookkeeping
  • paying bills/expenses
  • customer service
  • design
  • development
  • overall website management
  • scheduling
  • writing/editing
  • and more

Hiring a virtual assistant with us is as easy as counting one to three. Start with our 15-minute complimentary session. Let us know what you need.


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