
Rule Your Calendar Like A Boss Should Do


Effective planning is crucial to ensure that you meet your goals. The calendar is the most important tool for planning your day-to-day activities and taking charge of it is crucial to make sure that you have sufficient time to execute your plans. If you don’t take control of your calendar, it will control you. You’ll receive a never-ending stream of meeting invitations, quick catch-ups with colleagues, training events, and other activities. At the end of the week, you’ll realize that you’ve barely accomplished half of what you planned. 


Let’s dive into some helpful tips that will allow you to manage your calendar like a pro. Regardless of the tool you use, these guidelines will come in handy.


Tip 1: Take a moment to assess your calendar. 


Chances are, it’s jam-packed with meetings, presentations, and other commitments. While it may seem like you’ve got everything under control, there are likely a few items that can be removed or delegated. You may also have some free time that should be blocked off. Make a conscious decision to block off the entire week leading up to a networking conference. 


What types of blockers should you start with? Firstly, review all the meetings you need to attend during the week/month and block out time for them to ensure you’re not double-booked. This may lead to a re-evaluation of whether you need to attend all of them. 


Secondly, create long blockers for focus time. This ensures you can execute your responsibilities without distraction. Stand your ground when someone tries to book something during your focus time and communicate clearly that this is mission-critical to focus on your top priorities. 


Lastly, don’t forget to block out non-working days on your calendar to avoid critical meetings landing on days off and putting initiatives at risk. Remember, taking control of your calendar is essential to achieving your goals and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.


Tip 2: Strategize your time allocation.


To optimize your time, it’s essential to evaluate the time required for each task and use different time blocks accordingly. Consider using three types of blocks: 15-minute, 30-minute, and 50-minute. Before engaging in an activity, make an educated guess on how much time it would take based on your previous experience. Having a clear understanding of the time allocation helps to make the most of it. While this approach may decrease small talk, it ultimately leads to better results. 


Efficient time management is key to achieving success. If you miscalculate the time required for a task, adjust accordingly, and choose a longer block next time. By thoughtfully strategizing your time allocation, you can maximize productivity and accomplish more in a day.


Tip 3: Manage your notifications.


To manage overwhelming notifications, set up reminders and notifications on your calendar. Use regular reminders to stay on track during the day and manually set critical event reminders to prepare for important activities. Enable calendar notifications on all devices and disable notifications for other apps to avoid being bombarded with unnecessary alerts.


Tip 4: It’s time to prioritize. 


As a professional, you’re bound to encounter clients who demand your time with “quick phone calls” that end up taking hours. Instead of always saying yes, try delegating the task to an employee or scheduling shorter, more frequent meetings with the client. Not everything requires immediate attention or constitutes an emergency. You must prioritize requests based on their relevance to your role and goals. This way, you’ll have more time to work on high-priority tasks while declining low-priority meetings and tasks. Being in a creative industry doesn’t mean you can’t be an organized and efficient leader. 


By mastering your calendar and avoiding last-minute decisions, you’ll be amazed at how much more time you’ll gain to work on your priorities.


Tip 5: Be cautious when accepting meeting invites.


It’s not uncommon to receive meeting invites without prior notice or consultation. However, blindly accepting these invites can lead to a waste of time and resources. It’s important to take a step back and assess the situation before accepting. If faced with such a scenario, reach out to the person and ask a few questions to clarify the purpose of the meeting. This includes understanding the agenda, expected role, and whether your presence is necessary


 Why do you need to do this? Some meetings may not be relevant to your business processes. To avoid this, always communicate with the person before accepting the invite. This can help you avoid unnecessary meetings and focus on tasks that require your attention. Of course, there are always exceptions, just make sure the agenda and purpose of the meeting are clear.


Woman holding a tiny clock in front of laptop


Hire a VALUE VA to manage your calendar like a boss


Are you tired of constantly being at the beck and call of your business calendar? It’s time to take control of your time and reach your maximum potential. Lucky for you, we’ve got qualified and reliable virtual assistants to help you do just that. 


Implementing just one of the strategies outlined in this article can benefit your organization by developing your team, increasing your productivity, and saving you money. Plus, it will give you the freedom to focus on what matters. But that’s not all – our virtual assistants are here to help you succeed. 


It’s time to take charge of your schedule and achieve your goals. Book a free consultation with us today.

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