
Things You Need to Know When Hiring a Virtual Assistant


One of the first signs of your business is progressing is when you need to hire a team member. A full time employee will cost more so hiring a virtual assistant is more practical. Having a virtual assistant will give you time to focus on more important activities that will bring great impact to your business. If you are ready to hire one, then these are the things you must know when hiring a virtual assistant.

Hiring a virtual assistant

Now that you are ready to welcome a member in your growing business, you may find yourself asking these following questions:

  1. How to hire a virtual assistant?
  2. Where to hire one?
  3. How much do I pay a virtual assistant?
  4. What can I do to verify their credentials?
  5. How can I track their performance while working?
  6. Can I entrust them with my business?

These are just the few basic questions you will ask yourself. If it is your first time to hire one, your initial course of action is to find a qualified candidate yourself. However, remember why you need a virtual assistant in the first place. You need assistance NOW. Time is of the essence.

Direct hiring

The Internet contains every information you require for your business including a marketplace of virtual assistants. Once you put your job posting out there, a surge of applicants will fill your inbox. It will be your task to screen them one by one, double-check their backgrounds, then contact them for an interview.

The hiring process however, takes more than looking through resumes and interviewing them. Picking the right virtual assistant requires knowledge on matching the personality of the candidate to the position or you might end up with a wrong one. The process also involves evaluating work samples and confirming with character references.

Direct hiring a virtual assistant may seem to be the easiest and cheapest way to get someone onboard but you might now be aware of its challenges. You are racing against time — you will be handling your business and screening for a virtual assistant all at the same time.

Another challenge you will encounter with directly hiring your VA is you may actually hire a non-qualified for the job or worse, a fraud. There are also instances when a virtual assistant suddenly leaves a project, and the business owner is left hanging with finishing the task.

If you do find your virtual assistant after a tedious and time consuming process, you will have to probably train your new team member. Again, this process will require your precious time.

Virtual Assistant Agency

Another option to choose from when hiring a virtual assistant is through the professional service of a virtual assistant agency. An agency can complete the hiring process, in a shorter time. A virtual assistant agency will not only take care of the recruitment process, but can provide you with the following services:

  1. Virtual assistant agencies will give you professional advice and initial consultation on what virtual assistant fits your business versus what you think you need.
  2. A pool of specialized virtual assistants are readily available so you can hire anytime, whether for specific functions and projects or general administrative tasks.
  3. Agencies will manage and track the performance of your virtual assistants. You will not need to purchase an expensive monitoring software, they will provide your virtual assistant with one.
  4. For whatever reason the relationship between the client and virtual assistant did not work out, VA agencies always have a back up or replacement.
  5. You do not have to worry about contracts.
  6. If there are disputes, VA agencies will deal with it.
  7. Since you have undergone consultation with the VA agency, you do not have to worry about training. Your chosen virtual assistant is experienced.
  8. VA agencies are a support and security system both for the business owners and virtual assistants.

Enlisting the help of VA agencies will save you time, boost productivity, land you the right virtual assistant, and provide you support in human resources matters. As a business owner, your job is to create a system for your business and let someone work for you, not you work for yourself.

VALUE Virtual Assistants – your virtual assistant resource

Selecting a virtual assistant is not only important but now has become a necessity for your business. It is imperative for business owners like you to choose a virtual assistant from a reputable VA agency.

We at VALUE Virtual Assistants, we offer a different approach in bringing in the best member for your team. Growing your business and your productivity is our main concern. We are here to provide you with dedicated and trustworthy virtual assistants who can deliver excellent results.

Our company is founded on a set of core values for excellent work and we would like to share these values with you through our virtual assistants. VALUE Virtual Assistants VAs are competent and trustworthy so you entrust your business without worries.

We believe in a cycle of success, our virtual assistants’ successes are your success, and ours too. We are committed to transforming businesses like yours to become one of the most respected ones in the field and globally!


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